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Article Archive
NVIDIA To Build Supercomputer in UK
| AI + T | U.S. chipmaker Nvidia vowed Monday to build a $52 million (£40 million) supercomputer in Cambridge, England; weeks after...
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How Intelligent Is AI?
| AI + T | Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms such as Deep Learning have become integral parts of our daily...
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World’s First Integrated Quantum Computing System
| AI + T | In the demanding race to build a practical quantum computer, tech companies are keeping their moods up by cheering every...
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AI Future of Business Technology
| AI + T | "Over 40 per cent of businesses believe that the model they're using today will cease to exist in five years," suggested...
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Artificial Intelligence Opens New Frontiers In Healthcare
| AI + T | All healthcare providers share the goal of treating more patients, cutting the cost of healthcare, and achieving better...
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AI vs. Cognitive Computing
| AI + T | Calling cognitive computing a form artificial intelligence isn’t incorrect, but it misses a fundamental distinction that...
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The Automation Revolution
| AI + T | Automation is everywhere, and its penetration and sophistication are increasing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected...
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AI's Impact On World Economy
| AI + T | Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to incrementally add 16 percent or around $13 trillion by 2030 to current...
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AI’s Role In IoT And OT Security
| AI + T | The modern threat landscape continues to expand, adding artificial intelligence (AI) to a security strategy has become...
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Deep And Reinforcement Learning
| AI + T | Various leading-edge technologies within the framework of artificial intelligence are getting a lot of attention lately. ...
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AI Predictions Swiftly Becoming Reality
| AI + T | Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are already exploding in many industries and across our daily lives, from...
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AI Rapidly Thriving In Israel & Global Sectors
| AI + T | China is beating the US in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Europe’s AI experts are challenging both US and China. ...
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Deep Learning AI & Real-World Cases
| AI + T | The field of artificial intelligence is fundamentally when machines can do tasks that typically require human intelligence....
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AI Powers Blockchain ETF
| AI + T | A recent artificial intelligence-powered blockchain ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) began trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange...
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Artificial Intelligence Opens Opportunities
| AI + T | The potential for artificial intelligence has for decades been mostly relegated to the larger than life imaginations of...
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AI Radar Technology for Self-Driving Cars Verges Weather Hazards
| A + I | Self-driven cars need to stay in their lanes and if hazardous weather conditions control the morning, day or night drive;...
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Chinese AI Beats Doctors Diagnosing
| AI + T | A Chinese Artificial Intelligence system diagnosed brain tumors and other conditions more accurately and faster than a team...
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Millennials: Thrilled Or Threatened By AI?
| AI + T | Millennials are now the largest consumer group. As a result, it only makes sense for businesses to consider their thoughts...
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AI More Energy Efficient With IBM’s Artificial Synapses
| AI + T | Neural networks are the crown jewel of the AI boom. They gorge on data and do things like transcribe speech or describe...
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AI Making Hardware Attractive Again
| AI + T | Up until the late 80s and early 90s hardware was King: IBM, Intel, Texas Instruments were market leaders. Devices from...
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